

10.110 Governance, Quorum and Voting  

10.120 Meetings, Minutes, and Agendas 

10.130 Chair and Vice Chair 

10.140 Work and Education Plan

10.150 Public Participation 

10.160 Board Committees Established

10.161 Audit Committee Charter

10.162 Human Resources Committee Charter

10.163 Loan Committee Charter

10.217 Staff Authorization for Investment Managers

10.250 Securities and Litigation

10.251 Decision Criteria to Pursue Litigation

10.300 Custodial Bank and Investment Consultant Selection

10.310 Custodial Bank

10.402 Administrative Rules

10.500 Coal Tax Trust Loan Policies 

10.600 Bond Program Policies  

10.700 Credit Enhancement  

10.900 Asset Allocation 


20.100 Code of Ethics 

20.200 Travel, Lodging, and Meals 

20.300 Confidentiality and Use of Position 

20.400 Internal Control Policy  


30.100 Board Staff 

30.110 Staff Leave Benefits

30.200 Executive Director 

30.210 Operations Delegation 

30.212 Annual Report 

30.220 Communications Delegation 

30.230  Investment Manager Contracts 

30.240 All Other Contracts 

30.241 Legal Services and Approved Counsel 

30.251 Class Action Litigation 

30.290 Legislative Duties 

30.300 Deputy Director 

30.400 Chief Investment Officer 


40.100 Investment Policy Statements

40.200 Consolidated Asset Pension Pool Investment Policy Statement

40.201 Montana Public Retirement Plans Asset Allocation Ranges

40.202 CAPP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Domestic Equities Asset Class

40.203 CAPP Investment Objectives and Guidelines International Equities Asset Class

40.204 CAPP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Private Investments Asset Class

40.205 CAPP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Real Assets Asset Class 

40.206 CAPP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Real Estate Asset Class

40.207 CAPP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Core Fixed Income Asset Class

40.208 CAPP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Non-Core Fixed Income Asset Class

40.209 CAPP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Cash Asset Class 

40.300 MT Public Employees Retirement System Defined Contribution Disability Plan Investment Policy Statement

40.500 Trust Funds Investment Pool Investment Policy Statement

40.501 Trust Funds Investment Pool Allocation Ranges

40.502 TFIP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Real Estate Asset Class

40.503 TFIP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Non-Core Fixed Income Asset Class

40.504 TFIP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Investment Grade Fixed Income Asset Class

40.505 TFIP Investment Objectives and Guidelines Real Assets Asset Class

40.600 Short-Term Investment Pool Investment Policy Statement

40.601 Investment Objectives and Guidelines STIP

40.602 Investment Objectives and Guidelines STIP Reserve

40.700 Montana State Fund Investment Policy Statement

40.701 Montana State Fund Investment Pool Allocation Ranges

40.702 MSF Investment Objectives and Guidelines Public Equity Asset Class 

40.703 MSF Investment Objectives and Guidelines Real Estate Asset Class 

40.704 MSF Investment Objectives and Guidelines High Yield Asset Class 

40.705 MSF Investment Objectives and Guidelines Investment Grade Fixed Income Asset Class

40.706 MSF Investment Objectives and Guidelines Real Assets Asset Class

40.800 Coal Severance Tax Investment Policy Statement

40.801 Coal Severance Tax Trust Distributions

40.802 Investment Objectives and Guidelines Coal Severance Tax Bond Fund

40.803 CST Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana Coal Endowment Fund

40.804 CST Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana Coal Endowment Regional Water System Fund

40.805 CST Investment Objectives and Guidelines School Facilities Fund

40.806 CST Investment Objectives and Guidelines Big Sky Economic Development Fund

40.807 CST Investment Objectives and Guidelines Coal Severance Tax Permanent Fund

40.808 CST Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana Coal Endowment Conservation District Fund

40.900 Separately Managed Accounts Investment Policy Statements

40.901 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Noxious Weed Management Trust Fund

40.902 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Belt Water Treatment Plant Fund

40.903 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Trust

40.904 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Clark Fork Site Response Action Fund

40.905 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana Pole Superfund Site Settlement Fund

40.906 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Streamside Tailing Operable Settlement Fund

40.907 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Upper Blackfoot Response Action Restoration Fund

40.908 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Zortman/Landusky Long Term Water Fund

40.909 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Zortman/Landusky Long Term Water Trust

40.910 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Coal Tax Park Trust Fund

40.911 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Fish, Wildlife, & Parks Mitigation Trust Fund

40.912 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Real Property Trust Fund

40.913 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Wildlife Habitat Trust Fund

40.914 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Endowment for Children

40.915 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Older Montanans Trust Fund

40.916 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Tobacco Trust Fund

40.917 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Butte Area One Restoration Fund

40.918 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Clark Fork Restoration Fund

40.919 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines East Helena Compensation Fund

40.920 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Smelter Hill Uplands Restoration Fund

40.921 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Upper Clark Fork River Basin Reserve Fund

40.922 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Upper Clark Fork River Basin Restoration Fund

40.923 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Public-School Trust

40.924 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Resource Indemnity Trust Fund

40.925 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Cultural Trust Fund

40.926 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana Historical Society Trust Funds

40.927 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Harold Hamm Endowment

40.928 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Potter Trust Fund

40.929 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Butte Area Redevelopment Trust Authority

40.930 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Barker Hughesville St Response

40.931 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Flying J CERCA Facilities Fund

40.932 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Libby Asbestos Site State Cost

40.933 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Luttrill Pit – Doper & Maint 

40.934 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Invasive Species Trust Fund

40.935 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Greenway Project Trail Maintenance Fund

40.936 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines 2011 Yellowstone Exxon Settlement Fund

40.937 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana University System Group Insurance

40.938 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana University System Workers Compensation

40.939 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines State Employee Group Benefits

40.940 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana State University – Bozeman

40.941 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana Tech

40.942 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines University of Montana – Missoula 

40.943 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines State Treasurer’s Fund

40.944 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Fish, Wildlife, & Parks General License Account

40.945 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Lubrecht Experimental Forest

40.946 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Kyiyo Pow Wow

40.947 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Hail Insurance Fund

40.948 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines End of Watch Trust

40.949 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana State Library Trust

40.950 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Montana Housing Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund

40.951 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines State of Montana Workforce Housing Fund

40.952 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Debt and Liability Free Account

40.953 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Old Fund Liability Defeasance Fund

40.954 SMA Investment Objectives and Guidelines Repayment Account


70.100 INTERCAP Program

70.110 Montana University System INTERCAP Agreements

70.120 Montana State Agency

70.710 Approved Lenders

70.720 Commercial Loan Program 

70.730 Infrastructure Loan Program 

70.740 Value Added Loan Program 

70.751 Montana Housing Infrastructure Revolving Bond Program

70.752 Montana Housing Infrastructure Revolving Loan Program

70.760 Intermediary Relending Loan Program



90.300 Executive Director Continuity

90.400 Chief Investment Officer Continuity


BOI Constitutional and Statutory Summaries

BOI Substantive Constitutional Statutory and ARM Provisions